No Trespassing


MATTHEW 6:15_But if ye forgive not men their trespasses…

God’s path for life is freedom.

You will never find a No Trespassing sign on God’s path. Feel free to roam, explore, and enjoy His path.

But God definitely places some No Trespassing signs. You will find them on the paths which lure from His path.

God empowered Joshua to lead His people into the Promised Land. In Joshua 1:7 (KJV), God says, “Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper withersoever thou goest.” There is an obvious plan here. You will need strength and courage to stay on God’s path. Do not stray—at all.

Moses was called to continue Abraham’s job. Joshua was called to continue Moses’ job. A new country for God’s people—designed by God, and for God. There were to be no other gods, no other laws, no other forms of worship—God’s only. To allow anything apart from God’s design was to stray.

When you set up a life designed by you and for you—you’ve strayed. You have decided straying a little to the right or left is not really a bad thing. 

What becomes of God wanting to bless you wherever life takes you?


One True God, Thank You for Your path that causes me to be blessed. In the powerful name of Jesus, Amen.

Christ knows the path I should take—He will guide me!

Some Kind of Power!


MATTHEW 6:13_and the power…

God is the power!

Power is authority!

The weak submit to the strong! 

God has great power in His voice. Genesis chapter 1 states “and God said” ten times. Each time involved creation. With the exception of humans, all creation came forth from the power of God’s voice. 

Psalm 29 (KJV) gives the best description of the power in God’s voice, 3The voice of the LORD is upon the waters…  4The voice of the LORD is powerful; the voice of the LORD is full of majesty.  5The voice of the LORD breaketh the cedars 7The voice of the LORD divideth the flames of fire. 8The voice of the LORD shaketh the wilderness…  9The voice of the LORD maketh the hinds to calve, and discovereth the forests…”

That’s some kind of power!

God spoke His control over creation: giving the sun power to control day, and the moon power to control night and the ebb and flow of the ocean’s tide. If you are not impressed by God’s power in creation, just try to rope a tornado, or hurricane, or tsunami. Try to stop an earthquake.

This is the God of the Bible, of Creation, and of Power!         


Powerful God, I praise Your incredible power.  I know You can speak Your power into my life. In the powerful name of Jesus, Amen.

Christ can speak power—I want His power in my life!

The Win-Win

MAY 17

MATTHEW 6:4_and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.

Proverbs 15:3 (KJV), “The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.”

God is omnipresent. He never lets you out of His sight. Some people can be intimidated by this verse, thinking God keeps check on everything they do. He does! But, that’s a very good thing!

God loves you enough to prod you when you’re headed astray, and to bless you when you’ve done a good deed. II Chronicles 16:9 (KJV), “For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him…”

Jesus says your Father is everywhere, showing His strength. Let there be no doubt about it. There isn’t any place, or any way, you can hide from God. Why would you want to?

To hide from God would be like trying to outrun love.

A love that never fails.

A love that draws you close to your Creator.

A love that would die for you.

A love that did die for you.

A love that gave you eternal life.

God sees in secret and rewards in the open. Live out the creation principles Jesus teaches! Become a salty-lit-up disciple who gives God glory.

That’s a win-win!


Jesus God, Thank You that You are always with me—anytime, anywhere. In the powerful name of Jesus, Amen. 

Christ is omnipresent—He will never leave me!

What Jesus Says


MATTHEW 5:2_saying,

Jesus has reached the Mark, Set, and opened His mouth. Here we Go! Now is the time to be blessed as only truth, love, and freedom can bless.

What Jesus says gives liberty. What Jesus says gives self-acceptance with worth.

What Jesus says gives power to forgive. What Jesus says gives God’s wisdom.

What Jesus says gives peace to pass human understanding.

What Jesus says gives courage in the midst of, and in the face of, raging storms.

What Jesus says gives love. This is not the temporal self-absorbing love, but the true, everlasting, never-failing love.

What Jesus says gives faith—incredible, phenomenal, mountain moving!

There is nothing namby-pamby about Jesus or His teachings. He brings real answers for real people with real problems.

Jesus brings strong truth for weak people who need real help.

He brings tough love that doesn’t coddle or pamper, but compassionately stays until the hurt is soothed and healing has come.

Throughout this year consider these sayings, hand-picked for you.


Almighty God, I have real problems and I need real answers. Help me draw closer to You through Your teachings. I can trust You to guide me in faith. I want incredible, phenomenal, mountain moving faith! In the powerful name of Jesus, Amen.                    

Christ knows my hurts and pains—and He cares!

The Key


MATTHEW 5:2_And he opened his mouth…

These devotionals are based on the Holy Bible, specifically Matthew chapters five through seven. Devotion can be based on many things—you just may not call it devotion. Setting aside time to read requires some devotion. What you choose to read during that time is a part of your heart’s devotion.

This blog is devoted to the Bible as the true source of spiritual power. Yes, power! To live a defeated life is to live without power. In this sermon Jesus teaches how to receive power from the truths of the Bible.

Jesus is ready for His Go. He opens His mouth. Not to take a deep breath, or to eat, but to teach. All the words in this sermon are the result of one act—Jesus opened His mouth.

He could have made a decision not to open His mouth. There are more relaxing ways to spend a day than teaching a multitude of people. Jesus taught because the strongest force known to man overflowed within Him—love. Infused in the love was freedom.

There were too many unmet needs in the multitude for Jesus to keep His mouth closed. He possessed their cures. 

The Bible is the key to open a treasure box of love and freedom in your spirit. The wealth in the box is unattainable without the key.


Loving Jesus, Please teach me how to be devoted to You and Your Word. In the powerful name of Jesus, Amen.                    

Christ is devoted to me—I want to be devoted to Him!