Who Knows?


MATTHEW 6:15_Neither will your Father forgive your trespasses…

Why do you hold on to unforgiveness? Does it have something to do with forgiveness causing you to appear weak? God is not only willing, but wants to forgive you. Do you think He is weak?

Hanging on to unforgiveness because it makes you feel tough is straying. Hanging on to unforgiveness for any reason is straying. You are interfering with God’s desire to forgive you. If you are in a relationship with Jesus you will forgive, because if you don’t the Holy Spirit will convict your heart.

You will lose peace.

Salty-lit-up disciples repent and come back to God’s path.

When someone’s straying trespasses into your life, you have to deal with the invasion—one way or another. You can react with anger and possibly physical confrontation, or seek the path of forgiveness. As we’ve said before, forgiveness does not necessarily mean the invaders should not be held responsible for their actions. Discernment must be applied.

Your life can be trespassed upon in many ways. Betrayal is probably the largest of the litter. It may certainly be the hardest to forgive. God does not measure trespasses by their size. God is more concerned about how far away from His path His disciples stray. It is His major concern because He loves His disciples.

Your willingness to forgive the trespassers may be how God intends to bring them back on track.

Who knows? That may be why your life is the one He allowed them to invade.                  


God of Love, You are more than able to deliver from any trespass. In the powerful name of Jesus, Amen.

Christ knows all trespasses—He conquered them all!

Slippery Slopes


MATTHEW 6:13_into temptation…

Jesus says pray not to fall into temptation. What is temptation? A place where weaknesses have the upper hand—a slippery slope. A place where you are the controlled—not the controller. 

Everyone is vulnerable. It is easy to think you’re not. Why?  If you are a church-going, Bible-believing, Jesus-following person, you can’t be vulnerable, right?  Wrong! It is true all of those things give you the upper hand. The more your spirit grows, the stronger your resistance to temptation develops. But don’t think you can’t fall like everyone else.

If you get a bit cocky, let go of Jesus’ hand, and think you got this—prepare to go down. Jesus teaches to pray that you are not led into temptation. Praying keeps you focused on: the power in you is from Him!

Jesus knows your weaknesses and the devil’s strength. Be wise and follow His model way to pray: not to be led into temptation. Pray for the discernment to be alert to your weaknesses. Call out to the power of the Father to lead you away from the slippery slopes. Pray for help from temptations which empower your specific weaknesses.      


Lord Jesus, Please help me become aware of my weaknesses and know the temptations which empower them. Direct my steps not to go there. In the powerful name of Jesus, Amen.

Christ knows my weaknesses—He will help me!

The Righteousness Train


MATTHEW 5:10_Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake:

One key element of persecution is to be sure you are persecuted for righteousness sake, not your own sake. The virtue of discernment will help you know. You have already learned to discern if your peacemaking succumbs to political correctness. Political correctness is to agree with the world’s ways over God’s ways because it is the popular thing. Now you discern if you have strayed from the righteous path, and are suffering for it.

Everyone thinks they are righteous. To board the Righteousness Train requires a Bible ticket. Those trusting in and building lives upon the Bible have purchased a ticket. If you become too self-assured you have a seat on the Train, you can easily fall into the Pit of Pride.

Hungering and thirsting lead to the ticket office.

Righteousness is a byproduct of loving Jesus and His words. It comes naturally when you draw into a closer relationship with Jesus. You cannot make yourself become righteous. Only God can make you righteous. Only God holds the standard to what righteousness is. No one can live up to that standard. The Holy Spirit leads you there. Actually you won’t even know you’re there unless you begin to suffer for doing what is right. That is your clue. If you become too smug in the fact you made it you can fall back to where you were.

You can only claim it in Jesus’ name, never your own.


Dear God and Father of All, I want to be righteous in You, not in myself – lead me there. In the powerful name of Jesus, Amen.                     

Christ is righteousness—He makes me righteous!

What Jesus Wants


MATTHEW 7:21_Not everyone…

Jesus gave Himself for everyone.

His teachings are for everyone.

He wants everyone to live free.

He wants everyone to have wisdom which comes from the Bible.

He wants everyone to seek and find understanding and knowledge.

He wants everyone to abide in His love.

And He wants everyone to share His love through their own heart—with each other.  

Jesus’ inclusiveness shows up again – everyone.  You want to be a part of His everyone. However, there are times when Jesus blind sides with reality. You would just as soon pass over some of these realities, because in reality, you only want life to be about love, joy, and peace.

I Corinthians 2:13-14 (KJV), “Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”

 To avoid the hard spiritual realities of life—is a foolish mistake!


Only Mighty God,Please give me spiritual discernment to know the truth. In the powerful name of Jesus, Amen.                                                                                                                      

Christ’s spiritual discernments are realities—Teach me!

The Final Nail


MATTHEW 7:18_neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

Jesus drives the final nail to secure the truth. It is not enough to know that good is good and evil is evil. We must grasp that the two cannot cross over into each other. 

Good can never be evil, neither evil ever be good. If we’ve made the broad path to destruction our source, and we want to get off—it will require a total change. Repentance. We can’t just remain on the broad path and some day it will lead us to a life of freedom. The broad path always leads to destruction. That’s how this creation principle works. A corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit.  

The total change to get off the broad path is to leave it. Enter the strait gate and walk the narrow path. You cannot remain on the narrow path and fall into destruction. The narrow path always leads to a life of freedom. That’s how this creation principle works. 

One more time—it’s about the source! The broad path is the source to destruction and can be nothing else. The narrow path is the source to life and can be nothing else. Don’t get confused that people are the source. People will become what their source is..

Those whose source is the narrow path can be trusted—mistakes and all.              


Savior, I need discernment to know the people I can trust. In the powerful name of Jesus, Amen.     

Christ can always be trusted—I will follow Him!