The Radical Cure


MATTHEW 5:40_let him have thy cloak also.

Come on Lord Jesus, there’s radical and then there’s—crazy! I mean, look at the facts:

I lost the case and with it my life’s savings.

I hate it because I don’t feel I was wrong.

I hate it because it will destroy my current lifestyle.

I hate it because it causes a pain in the pit of my stomach.

I hate it because it takes away my peaceful sleep.

Jesus says the remedy for my ailments is to give my enemy more than I’m obligated? No way! That will make me sicker!

Write this out on a card and place it somewhere you’ll see it regularly: My being good does not impress Jesus. My doing good does.

The Scribes and Pharisees were good. They knew and kept the laws. They failed to do good by loving their fellow man and leading him to freedom.

The Great Healer’s radical cure requires action. Action which comes from who’s in charge of your heart—you or Jesus?


Holy Jesus, I need Your help so I can do good and not just talk about being good. I need faith to believe in Your radical cures. In the powerful name of Jesus, Amen.                                                                                                             

Christ does good—He will teach me!                                         

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