The Final Nail


MATTHEW 7:18_neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

Jesus drives the final nail to secure the truth. It is not enough to know that good is good and evil is evil. We must grasp that the two cannot cross over into each other. 

Good can never be evil, neither evil ever be good. If we’ve made the broad path to destruction our source, and we want to get off—it will require a total change. Repentance. We can’t just remain on the broad path and some day it will lead us to a life of freedom. The broad path always leads to destruction. That’s how this creation principle works. A corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit.  

The total change to get off the broad path is to leave it. Enter the strait gate and walk the narrow path. You cannot remain on the narrow path and fall into destruction. The narrow path always leads to a life of freedom. That’s how this creation principle works. 

One more time—it’s about the source! The broad path is the source to destruction and can be nothing else. The narrow path is the source to life and can be nothing else. Don’t get confused that people are the source. People will become what their source is..

Those whose source is the narrow path can be trusted—mistakes and all.              


Savior, I need discernment to know the people I can trust. In the powerful name of Jesus, Amen.     

Christ can always be trusted—I will follow Him!

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